Serving Our Community

We are focused on how we can serve our community during this time. Our agents and teams have been combining their efforts to provide for, encourage, and support surrounding businesses and essential workers! We have seen a huge wave of overwhelmingly generous gestures and encouragement from our agents throughout social media.

Last week, we had an opportunity to gather at the Memorial Hermann hospital in The Woodlands. As nurses, doctors, and first responders went through their shift change, we got together in the parking lot and cranked up the worship music! We reached out to our followers, families, and friends to spread the word about the event which made for an INCREDIBLE turnout. 

People lined up in their cars throughout the parking lot to continue safe social distancing! We faced the hospital, turned on our hazards, and sang three songs together through KSBJ. Our goal was to give a powerful gesture to the hospital staff that they are so much appreciated and to the patients that they are never alone

Click here to join us on April 21st for our next Car Caroling Prayer and Worship opportunity at CHI St. Lukes. Thank you to our agent Kristi Cavnar Griffin for helping organize this event!

Another awesome effort made by the Titan Home Group! They were awarded an appreciation patch from the Houston Fire and Rescue Department for your efforts in providing 350 face masks to first responders and postal workers! What an awesome and thoughtful way to serve the community. 

We loved to hear that The McClung Group is getting crafty. They sent homemade cards to the Forum to be distributed to nursing and retirement home residents! They’re also participating in collecting cards and baked goods to take to the hospital staff, nurses, and doctors at Memorial Hermann. 

Keep it up, agents! We are so proud to be a part of such an engaging team!